1) Benefits:-
- Relieves Constipation and gastro-intestinal discomfort
- Relieves gas and bloating
- Soften stools to pass out
- Helps to maintain regulate bowel movement
- It relieves back pain associated with constipation due to Vata imbalances.
- Does not produce any severity & complications.
2) Product Details:-
- It is the blend of pure, high quality herbal ingredients
- Very effective in relieving constipation and gastro-intestinal discomfort naturally
- It contains 6 herbs that help to correcting the imbalances of all doshas in the body to improve digestion and metabolic processes.
- It is made up from 100% natural ingredients thus can be used frequently without building a habit.
3) Ingredients:-
- Ginger
- Ajwain
- Turmeric
- Black salt
- Sonamukhi
- Errandbhrist Harde
4) Direction of use:-
Take Goodmorning powder with 1/2 glass (100 ml) of lukewarm water at bed time.
- Above 18 Years: one teaspoonful (5gm)
- 13 -18 Years: 3 gm
- 5 -12 Years: 2 gm
- 2 – 4 Years:- 1gm
Rohit –
rohit.namdev –