1) Benefits:-
- Boosts immunity and prevents common infection
- Beneficial in general weakness and fever
- Boosts Digestion
- Rejuvenator and tonic
- Beneficial in relieving muscular pain
- Used for skin problems
2) Product Description:-
- Tarushi Giloy Ghanvati Tablet is prepared by extraction process of high quality Giloy stem.
- It is Potent immunomodulator herb used to improve immunity and protect body against common infections.
- Regular use of Giloy Ghanvati can boost energy, immunity and digestion because of its Balya (strength provider), Rasayan (Rejuvenating) and Pachan (Digestive) qualities.
- Giloy is known as Amrita that help to treat weakness and fever
- Regular use of Giloy Ghanvati helps to prevent many other diseases like Diabetes, jaundice, neurological problems, Leucorrhea, Urinary tract infection and heart related issues
- Giloy helps to reducing excessive thirst, pain and burning sensation because of its Tridosha balancing property
- It is useful in weight management by improving overall metabolism
- It can be used for skin problems as it helps to remove toxins from body
3) Direction of use:-
- Two – three tablets three times a day on empty stomach with warm water or as directed by Doctor
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